Hell yeah Gocco

What’s better than after work drinks? After work drinks with Gocco. To celebrate Papamarcus’ return to Perth and our new HQ at Studio Bomba, a bunch of us got together one Friday night in May to play with Gocco and create some new prints. Based on an earlier design from Papamarcus, we each supplied an […]
Interview with Papa Marcus

We know we’ve been a little mysterious, sending off unsigned tea towels and the like. It’s about time we properly introduced ourselves, don’t you think? Here is the first in our series of JTTC member interviews. Please put your hands together for Johnny Two Tone Club founder and Melbourne branch president, Papa Marcus (interviewed by […]
Just Because

How great are these self promotional posters by Because Studio?! We’re happy times are hard because we’d vote for fluoro and screen printed over gold foiled and embossed any day. Because Studio have loads of beautiful work on their site. We recommend you check them out. becausestudio.co.uk
Drum roll please…
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I have the immense pleasure of introducing you to the Johnny Two Tone Club. We are a collective of art and design folk who are having fun experimenting and muddling our way through the world of screen printing. We are bursting at the seams with project ideas and looking […]