International Jim Henson Day

On this day some many moons ago, a great big hearted man by the name of Jim Henson copyright registered something he called ‘Kermit the Frog‘ and neither Henson, nor the rest of the world would ever be the same afterwards. Henson had tried his hand at a few different interests but puppeteering was always […]
Under the Clothesline

This month we jumped back on our trusty Gocco machines to design and print tickets for the premier opening of Under the Clothesline, a micro fete happening in the backyard of Studio Bomba. Pushing the limits of minimum type size, we did a single colour print and hand numbered the only 100 tickets available to this super […]
Hell yeah Gocco

What’s better than after work drinks? After work drinks with Gocco. To celebrate Papamarcus’ return to Perth and our new HQ at Studio Bomba, a bunch of us got together one Friday night in May to play with Gocco and create some new prints. Based on an earlier design from Papamarcus, we each supplied an […]
Early Days

Holy cow, the JTTC folks have been so busy of late we haven’t even had time to check our horoscopes this month! Brendan had another baby (don’t ask me to remember the name but it was a boy), I’ve been busy at my day job at Studio Papa designing the hell out of the Perth […]
International Doughnut Day

Oh my lord, has it been this long? It’s not you, it’s us, really… we’ve been busy – crazy busy in fact with our day jobs, making festivals & fairs, studio renovations & relocation’s, migrations from West coast to East coast and then back to West coast and generally a bunch of other things we’ve […]