Screening stuff other than paint

I’ve been noticing a lot of clever chickens lately who’ve been screening all sorts of stuff other than paint. It never would have occurred to me to put anything other than the finest (maybe not always the finest) paints through my precious screens but after seeing some of the inventive things that other folks have […]
Lost in Space

Whilst working on our current project which is top secret so don’t ask me to tell you anything, I found myself developing a nostalgia for all things space retro and Sci-Fi. In particular I couldn’t stop thinking about Lost in Space (the original), Star Trek, and this really great comic I’ve been reading called Tales […]
Just Because

How great are these self promotional posters by Because Studio?! We’re happy times are hard because we’d vote for fluoro and screen printed over gold foiled and embossed any day. Because Studio have loads of beautiful work on their site. We recommend you check them out.